A $50k ATO debt cancelled

A $50k ATO debt cancelled

In an unusual and unfortunate circumstance, our client had not lodged tax returns for many years due to health problems. Now Accounting was able to help our client apply to the ATO for debt cancellation under the ATO hardship provisions, and in this circumstance, the...
Lodgement of 17 years of tax returns

Lodgement of 17 years of tax returns

While we recommend that people keep their tax returns up-to-date, we realise that sometimes they can fall a long way behind. With decades of experience preparing tax returns, the Now Accounting team are able to help clients prepare outstanding tax returns, even for...
Help navigating a business downturn

Help navigating a business downturn

Whilst all business owners hope that things will go smoothly, sometimes they don’t work out that way. We have helped various clients navigate downturns. The first step we follow is to ensure that accounts are up-to-date and that we and the client both know the...
Help navigating Centrelink pensions

Help navigating Centrelink pensions

No matter how successful you have been in your career – even if you had 50 direct reports and managed a budget of tens of millions of dollars – lets face it, no one really likes dealing with Centrelink. At Now Accounting, we’ve happily helped clients work out...
Structuring a tradie’s business to protect family

Structuring a tradie’s business to protect family

When it comes to starting a business, many people just get an ABN and start invoicing clients. With decades of real world business experience, the team at Now Accounting have helped many clients structure their business correctly – using Companies and Trusts – to...
Maximising tax refunds for a property investor

Maximising tax refunds for a property investor

When it comes to property investment, what you don’t know can cost you money. Now Accounting has helped many clients get the initial investment structure right, structured their loans in the most tax effective way that also protects their assets, and helped them...