Financial Freedom Course

Welcome to our free online video course

Now Accounting have created this complimentary course content, allowing you to grow in your financial literacy and make better decisions.

This video series, presented by Now Accounting Directors Adrian and Rebecca Pinkewich, runs over 8 sessions (plus a short introduction) and we recommend that you view these in sequence as the program is designed as a step by step process.

You will get most benefit from our Financial Freedom program by following in your course slides and taking action in your workbooks.

So grab a cuppa, get comfortable, and get ready to transform your life… starting now!

Financial Freedom Course Content:

Introduction – 7 mins

1. Plan your financial freedom – 14 mins

2. Mini emergency fund – 14 mins

3. Protect your income (with insurance) – 24 mins

4. The debt snowball – 25 mins

5. Emergency fund – 5 mins

6. Healthy housing – 28 mins

7a. Wealth Creation Part A – 55 mins
7b. Wealth Creation Part B – 52 mins
7c. Wealth Creation Part C *- 72 mins
7d. Wealth Creation Part D – 6 mins

8. Generosity – 5 mins

* Note that 7c. is password protected. Contact us for a login for this exclusive content.

Viewing tips:
• To view full screen click the small icon in the bottom right of each video screen.
• Play only one video at a time (to avoid simultaneous videos playing).

If you have any queries regarding this course material please contact our office. Enjoy!


Introduction to Financial Freedom Course

Length: 7 mins
Now Accounting’s complimentary financial course content begins with t
his short video introduces you to the 8-step course and includes:
• An important disclaimer
• Introduction to Now Accounting Directors Adrian and Rebecca Pinkewich
• Why this course has been produced.

Course Notes (PDF): Financial_Freedom_Introduction

Financial Freedom
1. Plan your financial freedom

Length: 14 mins
This first step in the course includes:
• Making a realistic assessment of where you are at right now
• Set your clearly identifiable goals of where you want to be in the future
• How a budget will set you free to achieve your goals
• Secrets to successful budgeting.

Course Notes (PDF): Financial_Freedom_Stage1

Financial Freedom
2. Mini emergency fund

Length: 7 mins
This second step in the course includes:
• Changing how you think about funding emergencies
• The benefits to having a fund for minor financial needs
• Practical steps to getting a mini emergency find faster.

Course Notes (PDF): Financial_Freedom_Stage2

Financial Freedom
3. Protect your income (with insurance)

Length: 24 mins
This third step in the course includes:
• Hart hitting questions about your finances
• The four key types of insurance to consider
• Why holding insurance in Superannuation can be risky

Course Notes (PDF): Financial_Freedom_Stage3

Financial Freedom
4. The debt snowball

Length: 25 mins
This fourth step in the course includes:
• The impact of living in a debt normalised society
• The many forms of debt
• Explanation of “the debt snowball” method of getting out of debt
• Motivations for making it happen.

Course Notes (PDF): Financial_Freedom_Stage4

Financial Freedom
5. Emergency fund

Length: 5 mins
This fifth step in the course includes:
• What can go wrong to need this fund
• Why you need access to money that isn’t invested
• Making sure you don’t put yourself in debt should you need emergency funding.

Course Notes (PDF): Financial_Freedom_Stage5

Financial Freedom
6. Healthy housing

Length: 30 mins
This sixth step in the course includes:
• Fear of missing out (FOMO) and loss aversion
• Australia’s increasingly expensive homes
• The keys to freedom in housing
• Renting v buying unpacked
• Re-thinking traditional negative gearing
• What does it mean to guarantee a mortgage?

Course Notes (PDF): Financial_Freedom_Stage6

Financial Freedom
7a. Wealth creation – Part A

Length: 55 mins
Part A of the seventh and most in-depth unit of the course, which includes:
• 00:40 – Disclaimer
• 04:48 – Wealth creation and retirement
• 11:17 – Income and consistency: your greatest wealth creation tools
• 19:25 – Wealth creation is not as hard as you think
• 30:10 – Three key areas to invest in
• 31:00 – Working our your game plan for investing
• 33:42 – Asset allocation
• 54:17 – Investment strategy and decisions

Financial Freedom
7b. Wealth creation – Part B

Length: 52 mins
Part B of this extensive module includes:
• 00:18 – Choosing a tax structure
– Individual ownership
– Joint ownership
– Family trust ownership
– Unit Trust ownership
– Company ownership
• 07:55 – Superannuation
• 11.25 – Types of Superannuation funds
• 18:52 – Self managed Super funds (SMSF)
• 25:36 – Asset allocation
• 39:24 – Tax and your Super
• 41:46 – Fees and your Super

Financial Freedom
7c. Wealth creation – Part C*

Length: 72 mins
* Note that 7c. is password protected. Contact us for a login for this exclusive content.
Part C is somewhat controversial and could be perceived as negative, however we feel it appropriate to bring you this important information as a series of case studies:
• 00:53 – Facebook advertising
• 02:28 – Case study 1: Storm Financial
• 07:42 – Case study 2: The Barefoot Investor critique
(23:55 – The difference between general advice and personal advice)
• 27:45 – Case study 3: Investment property marketing machines
• 33:02 – Case study 4: Trading platforms and other get rich quick schemes
• 35:05 – Case study 5: CPA Australia Ltd and CPA Australia Advice Pty Ltd
• 52:57 – Case study 6:  Industry Superannuation funds
• 01:10 – Case study 7: Bernie Madoff

There are no course notes for this session.

Financial Freedom
7d. Wealth creation – Part D

Length: 6 mins
Part D is the closing segment of the wealth creation section, and includes:
• How can a financial advisor help?
• What to avoid with financial advice
• Examples of service scenarios
• Taking action by looking at your numbers

Financial Freedom
8. Generosity

Length: 5 mins
This eighth and final step in the course covers:
• Using your wealth to bless others
• Having fun while being generous
• Concluding remarks from Rebecca and Adrian Pinkewich.

Disclaimer: The messages communicated in this online seminar will be a combination of the speakers personal views, financial education from a taxation and education perspective and general advice. No action should be taken solely on the material contained in this presentation as the information is of a general nature and does not take into account your specific personal needs or circumstances.  You should consider whether what is discussed today is suitable for you and your personal circumstances.  Before you make any decision about whether to acquire a certain financial pro duct, you should obtain and read the relevant product disclosure statement. In Australia personal financial advice by a licensed financial adviser is ordinarily accompanied by an advice document called a statement of advice. If you have not received a statement of advice it is likely you have not received personal financial advice. Registered financial advisers are listed on a government website, along with the scope of their authorisation.